In relation to where she stands on the milestone chart in comparison to her brothers... Nicholas crawled 9 days BEFORE his nine month birthday. Anthony crawled 10 days AFTER his nine month birthday. And Ms. Annabella crawled 19 days AFTER her nine month birthday. I thought she would be the earliest-and she was the latest! Funny, huh? In other news-she *could* be first when it comes to walking. She has stood up on her own for up to 30 seconds! Tony had her standing on the table tonight-he let go-and she stood there for 30 seconds. Unassisted. Craziness!
We are dealing with sickness yet again. We were actually really good for quite some time. The Christmas/winter season got us all good-well the kids at least. They had colds that lasted WEEKS. Yesterday, 3/28, we drove into Boston to go to the Children's Museum because they have a Curious George exhibit. The boys are HUGE into Curious George. Nicholas had a cough that morning and a very slight runny nose. Even my mother in law said he seemed fine at her house. Now, Nicholas hasn't gotten car sick since 12/25/2008. And well-yesterday-he did. THANKFULLY I had extra clothes in the car! We would have been in big trouble if we didn't! I'm thinking the coughing/runny nose/being awake didn't help-and he couldn't handle it.
So we went to the museum, as we were essentially there. Nicholas seemed to get worse the closer we got. Halfway through the musuem I noticed he was burning up. We finished up the museum then headed home, and stopped for dinner along the way. He luckily slept most of the ride home as he was EXHAUSTED. Poor kid. I hate when they are sick! He still had a fever today, and sounds horrific. I'm just hoping no one else gets whatever it is he has! Easter is this Sunday!
Well, off to bed. Annabella has been sleeping pretty decently as of late. Let's hope the trend continues and that I didn't just jinx myself!