Today the boys tried their first finger foods! It was more of a learning experience than anything else. They really didn't know what to do with what was put in front of them. I did the Gerber puffs first-Nicholas spit it right out! I gave it to Anthony and he didn't seem to know what was going on. That was enough of those! Then I moved onto the toast/biscuit things. At first it was a toy-they moved them all around their trays. Nicholas was the first to pick it up-and put it towards his mouth. It took Anthony awhile-but he was able to do it too. They seemed to enjoy it. I did because I was able to feed them while they explored their new found treasure! Pictures are below!
On to other news! Today-FINALLY-Nicholas paid attention to Anthony. FINALLY! Now-don't get me wrong-he knew he was there. He would look at him at times. But if Anthony was looking at him-Nicholas was looking the other way. Until today. In the highchairs they seem to be interacting more. They hold hands, reach towards each other, etc. Today, while I was getting their lunch ready, I heard Nicholas squeal. I looked over and he had this big smile on his face and was looking at Anthony and Anthony was returning the favor. It was GREAT! Then-EI was here-and Anthony was on the couch in the Boppy, Nicholas on my lap. Nicholas was looking at Anthony with such a loving smile. It was so sweet. And yet again at dinner-the same thing. And-they even TALKED to each other. I was so glad I was able to see it! They are just the sweetest babies ever!
EI came today for Anthony. He of course wowed them with his smile. He did very well overall. I wanted him to be evaluated just because. I figure it's free so why not. I also was worried about his head size slowing him down. He did great for gross motor skills and scored at 4 months for his fine motor skills-thus making him eligible for services. The physical therapist wasn't too concerned. She thinks it has to do with his head size and he will eventually catch up. So that's that in our world!
This twin thing is an amazing experience! I just can't say enough!
Here are the pictures:
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