I REALLY need to do this on a regular basis. I am always on the computer so I don't know why I don't. I think because once I start typing-it's hard to stop! So-what's been going on? Let's see...The boys are getting bigger by the day! They are so freaking cute I can't stand it. I am the luckiest person in the world to have these boys. Talk about being blessed. Now I realize why all of our IVF's never worked. My boys weren't ready to meet me! They were waiting-patiently! Can you imagine if the other IVF's did work? There would be no Anthony and Nicholas! :( Just goes to show you things are meant to be...
So-Nicholas and Anthony can officially laugh. HOWEVER-if you are lucky enough to hear it-bless your heart. It is the HARDEST thing to get out of them! Today Tony and I realized chasing Anthony down the hall while one of us was holding him, tickled his funny bone-and he laughed. But when we tried it throughout the day-not so much. Even Nicholas got in on the fun! So-we officially said Anthony started laughing on March 27th I believe-Thursday. Nicholas was the 29th. It's the greatest sound to hear! Tony and I usually end up doubled over in laughter! I don't know if I mentioned it before-but they both can blow raspberries. Usually when they have extra spit/food in their mouth. That is also cute-but what isn't?
They both slept swaddled for the last night on Sunday March 30. Anthony woke up CONSTANTLY and I was so done with him! He kept getting that little left arm up onto his chest-and he would be uncomfortable, etc...So he would wake up screaming and the only way to get him back to sleep was to feed him. It was a long night. The next night-we stopped the swaddle and he actually slept GREAT! It took a little while to get him to sleep-but once he was finally by 11pm-he didn't wake up until 7 the next morning! Yahoo! Nicholas on the other hand...5am. Same thing today too. WAY too early for mommy! Anthony has STTN both nights now! YAY!
I feel like there is SO much I am missing! Last night we had our friends over for dinner with their daughter. She's such a cutie. She is 10 weeks older than the boys. It's funny when she comes over because we see what the boys will be doing in the future. Kinda sad though at the same time...Tonight we had my parents over for dinner. I figured give my dad a week off from cooking seeing how we go there every week for dinner. We made a chicken roaster, mashed potatoes, broccoli, biscuits, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. It was delicious! Yum! Then I fed Anthony some oatmeal, squash, and peaches. He ate like a champ! And once he got the peaches-his facial expressions were PRICELESS! HILARIOUS! We were all watching him and laughing. He would get this sour look on his face and cross his eyebrows. So cute. Nicholas isn't as pleased when he is eating. Doesn't seem to be a fan of solids I guess-but he sure does get messy! I think this is payback from when I was a baby!
I saw the OB/GYN today. While I was there I realized how much I miss being pregnant. I can't wait to be pregnant again. If the boys weren't so little-I would love to be pregnant now. However, I realize they are only babies once and I need to enjoy this time. It makes me so sad they are getting so big way too quick. I wish I could just freeze time. I think that's another reason why I want another one again-so quickly. I want to go through all those firsts again. I think I would have babies all the time! If only I didn't marry an accountant... ;) We will see what the year has in store for us...We will do a frozen transfer at the end of the year-or at least start the process-and have the transfer around the same time we did with the boys. Their siblings are waiting for them-and actually their twins. If the frozen transfer works-the child would be the boys' twin. Crazy, huh? Seeing how they were all conceived at the same time...What do you think of that??
Oh-and no one really reads this. Maybe my sister...Or so I thought just her. I would like to say hi to Jeff! He mentioned at Easter that he reads the blog from time to time-so I said I would mention him. I should also mention that he is Anthony's godfather. I bet he'd like that! ;)
Here are some photos from the past week or so....Tomorrow I promise to be back with a post. Gotta keep up with this. No reason not to!
1 comment:
Ok I just had to comment that I LOVE it when babies fall asleep with their hands up! My son did that all the time when he was a baby. My daughter now falls asleep with her hands behind her head! it's too cute. I need to get a picture of her like that.
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