Sunday, September 28, 2008


It's official-Nicholas has a word! This morning we were in the kitchen and I had the gate up. He was playing by the gate. Sadie was still upstairs, and then made her way down. She walked over to the gate, Nicholas heard her, pointed, and said, "DOG!" Ok-so maybe it wasn't exactly perfectly clear-but trust me-it WAS dog! Later on, I was reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?" And when I got the the "white dog, white dog" part, he turned and pointed at Sadie and said "dog!" What a smart baby I have- the two of them! I worry about the words/speech because boys in general are a bit slower in that category than girls. Well-my boys will show them!

Anthony says mamama and dada. Dada is more prevalent than mama, but that's ok. They love their dada! He says mama more when he's angry-and I guess when he wants me-so that's a good thing! It's funny because the two of them are having conversations with themselves. It's so fun to watch them just babble on throughout the day. It's like they are really talking!

I have to say-they love each other so much! At least Anthony ADORES Nicholas! I will say Nicholas adores Anthony too, but Anthony just smiles from ear to ear when Nicholas comes near! Nicholas tries to kiss Anthony(at least I hope so) when he is near him. It's so fun to watch. Can you imagine me having one baby do this?? Boring! LOL! It's so much better with two! Call me crazy if you want! Anthony has gotten much better at walking with the push toy. And he's getting more, what's the word....carefree??? maybe with cruising. Where he will let go of me and quickly grab something else. I think he's a quick learner-I really do, except when it comes to rolling! That's another story!

Nicholas can practically run around the coffee table! He's taken a bunch of steps-but will not walk! I think he is like his cousin Jackson where he needs to be absolutely sure-and have mastered it to an extent-before he takes off. Trust me, I'm not rushing it-but I also can't wait to see it! 

We went to the Big E today for the last time. It wasn't a great trip as the weather was pretty gross, and then it started to rain. Nicholas was not having a great time-I don't think he could see us well-and started wailing! Poor kid! Towards the end Anthony had had it too. We survived though-they were fine. I did see a younger type mom with a wagon-filled with kids-2 of which were twins. I did a double take and made sure they were twins-boys too-and kept walking. I heard the mother say, probably so I could hear her, "Ya, wait until they are older!" Hey-sorry lady if your kids are hellions or whatever-but I will do everything in my power to raise my children with honesty, respect, love, etc...  I hate people who think they know everything-an b**** about every little thing their kids do. So sad! ENJOY THEM!!!! 

Well-we are FIVE days away from a party. FIVE. I can't even begin to think of all the stuff that needs to be done. A LOT! I am excited for the boys though. They won't remember this party-but I will-and it's amazing to see how many people's lives they have touched over the last year. Simply amazing. Mommy and Daddy's life will never be the same-and we are more than grateful for that! 


joannabug said...

Your kids are so sweet!! And congratulations on the words, what smart babies. So cute.

joannabug (from twinstuff)

McMemories said...

how exciting!! Your party is gonna be so much fun(and work:)